Frequently Asked Questions

What is your pricing model?

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We start on 10k. What we can say is that we provide top quality websites. We have an initial consultation ($500/hour), a discovery meeting, to find out if we are a good fit. From there, we will put together a pricing strategy that will work for your business and for your current needs. We suggest we don't jump on a call if you are looking for the cheapest in the field, as we are definitely not. However, if you are looking for the biggest value add, then yes, then let's hop on a call. We always try to find a way that works for everyone.

I’ve never used Webflow. Is it hard?

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Webflow is definitely very simple. It’s the easiest way to update a website for you as a business owner. It takes just a couple of minutes, or even seconds, to update texts and images. Check out these articles to learn more about editing in Webflow:

How do you ensure top quality?

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We ensure top quality because we have a long checklist to ensure that everything is in place. We test on so many devices, we actually created a blog article about it here.

What is your process?

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The process depends on the needs of each client and each project, but you can check out this YouTube video here to get an overview.

Project failure

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Project failure can happen in several situations, often when a client underestimates the responsibility of the project and they end up leaving it on the side. This is very common in e-commerce projects, and it also happens in SEO and content marketing projects. People should take more responsibility over their projects and set up their processes internally. Clients need to be completely onboard and they need to make sure that everything works on their side, not just on ours.

Who is in charge?

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You’re ultimately responsible for the project. Karpi Studio is responsible for delivery on time and within budget, however, any delays on your side would make the delivery of the project delayed.

Do you sign NDA?

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Always. NDA is even a part of our contract because we will ask you for a lot of information regarding your company, your marketing strategy, etc. This information will never travel out of our hands.

Why do you only speak to the Owners/CEOs or ultimate decision-makers and not the CMOs?

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Because - We work on performance.

  • We don’t give you intermediaries so don’t give them to us.
  • We need to be sure to extract the most important business data from the decision-makers in order to make your business grow.

It is not that we don’t like marketing managers. We do. However, we position ourselves as partners due to the work we can do for you. It is not only a website but an overall online business building. Well, that’s often the work of a CMO but no. It isn’t. Also, the work of a CMO is not ass-licking your boss but:

  1. Make sure suppliers are giving on time and budget what they promised.
  2. Help suppliers achieve that by giving them the materials and meetings they need.
  3. Manage internal teams
  4. Create strategies together with the suppliers

⚠️ We do start with CEOs/Owners and CMOs to work on the initial tasks to make sure that we are 100% aligned. Once we pass that, we no longer need to work with CEOs/Owners on a daily basis, but we will have with them strategic meetings (monthly, quarterly, or as we agree).

Are you a full-service marketing agency?

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Yes and no. We are primarily a web design and development studio. We want to specialize in this because you can be a master of one craft.

However, we can provide our clients with other marketing services because we have a large network of partners to help us with. Very often we work on SEO together with an SEO agency or on conversion optimization with social media and advertising agencies.

How does this work? You always talk with the person in charge of the work and the project manager. So you will speak with our account/project manager and the person doing the job. We will not use 20 intermediaries to ping-pong information. That is not convenient. However, you will have one person to call if you need to, one contract to sign, and one invoice a month to pay. We will sort out the rest.

Where are you based?

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We are a remote agency and most of us are based in Europe. However, because we like warm weather and open-minded people, we are moving toward Miami, Florida. We established the US entity in the spring of 2021. For our European clients, we have a branch in Estonia with EU VAT. For our Scandinavian clients, we have a branch in Norway.

What tools are you working with?

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will manage our client-supplier relationship. It will give handle all our agreements, invoices, and milestones we are working on. It will keep you in the loop.


is by far the best design tool that is amazing for designer-client collaboration. We also use it for prototyping and motion simple designs.


is where we handle our tasks and checklists. You will not see it but it is a pretty complex setup to make sure we do everything on time and within budget.

What other services do you offer?

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Branding, UX Design, UI Design, 3D Animation, 3D Motion


Webflow, Vue.js, E-commerce, MVP apps

Do you only do Webflow?

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We do most of our craft in Webflow. From no-code tools, we use only Webflow because it is by far the best front-end code builder out in the market. We wrote several articles about it. Check them out here: links to 3 articles.

We also use headless CMS. We abandoned the tools known in the community such as Memberstack and Airtable. They are not good tools for scaling and our philosophy is scaling businesses not keeping them small.

We are very strong in building custom codes and animations inside Webflow.

Why you’re using such strong language?

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We did our research as we do for every client: 1) Identify target personas between our clients. Basically the people we loved working with the most. We created Persona 1, 2, and 3. Then we interviewed them asking questions: What is important when you’re hiring an agency? What is your biggest struggle? What is the biggest risk for you? And many more.

We spent about an hour on the initial call with each client of ours and then several times more for feedback.

⚠️ This is not the way we want to write the copy. This is how the people we want to work with want us to write the copy. ⚠️

And this is crucial information. The customers don’t care about us (or about you) but what you can do for them. Having said that, customers will always convert to websites that address their fears and offer solutions.

How can I be sure you’re not idiots?

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The simple answer is: Because we have a long track record of partnering with startups that have become way bigger companies.

We are not order-takers, so we will give you feedback. We will lead your design. Not you, because it is not about you and your ego. And this website is not about our ego either. The website is a sales tool for a proper capitalist company in a free market economy, and it has to generate revenue for the owners. If this will not generate revenue, then it is a hobby and not a business.

Do you want to make money with your website? Yes? Then we know how to do so the best, and if we work long enough and hard enough to pull it together, we will achieve big things.

We have strong ambitions to work with unicorns that are changing the world, not Mum and Dad’s businesses. So we will be very opinionated about what we should and shouldn’t do. Also, about if it is or isn’t time to do so now.

We understand this is not for everyone. Many people saw 30 minute videos on Youtube about web design and now think they are designers. I suggest reading our article about "How to provide design feedback" because that would catapult your business to the Moon. However, if you want to micromanage the designers, you will fail because you will do so instead of doing a much more critical job: growing other parts of your business.

Guarantees/Risk Reversal

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We legally do not guarantee positive ROI on your website because that is a risk every business owner runs.

What we can guarantee:

  • Smooth work, professionalism, and a fine-tuned process
  • Not wasting your time
  • Having skin in the game
  • Being one of the most experienced studios in the world for translating your business values into the final website
  • Doing our best to scale your website

To minimize the risk even further, we suggest starting with a small package called Website Audit which will give you a comprehensive study of what your website is today, what the potential is for your business and what exact steps you have to take to achieve it. Then, you can see how we work, how professional we are, how we understand your business goals and how to translate these goals to web design.

The worst that can happen: this document is deep on the level of scope of work that you can handle over any design agency and happily start your project. Such document will relieve you from any friction with the company and give you powerful tool in your hand.